Thursday, August 11, 2011

I like old things

I'm pretty sure that I have liked old, or old-fashioned, things since I was pretty young. I sure wish I would have saved more of the old stuff that I used to have! And that I would have acquired more old stuff when we lived in Ohio! Oh, well, I still have a LOT, and that makes me happy. Above are some photos of old things that I won't ever own (they are too expensive, or too big!), but that I think are cool. What old stuff do you like??


  1. That's why you like me!

    Matchbox Regular Wheels!


  2. By the way, I logged in, then spent a few minutes trying to figure out why this site wants to post my comment as "Unknown." No success.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Good one!!
    >That's why you like me!

    I have no idea! Will let you know if I figure it out!
    >trying to figure out why this site
    >wants to post my comment as

  4. Those lockers bring back memories.
