Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summertime Fun

What are your favorite activities to do during the summer? What did you do as a kid to have fun? Here are some thoughts:

Run through the sprinklers
Throw water balloons
Go swimming, skateboarding, rollerskating
Blow bubbles
Climb a tree
Build a fort
Draw with sidewalk chalk


  1. I'm pretty sure we used to do all of those! Those were the days! Taking a road trip is another summery thing for me. Still have a little summer left to make that happen :)

  2. Yes! Road trips!! I hope you get to take one this summer, Jon! Let Dad and I know if we can be of help in that area! :)

  3. Would be cool if you could join us for the northeast road trip. :)

  4. Ditto what Dad said! And I miss doing all this stuff too. Ahh childhood.
